Moons in Lethal Company

Lethal Company Moons

In space, moons keep their secrets tucked away. Equipped with tools, workers venture through the Autopilot Ship onto these moons to seek out scrap.

Every moon presents its own set of challenges, determined by its weather conditions and hazard levels. These obstacles add a layer of difficulty to collecting scrap.

But these moons aren’t deserted. They’re inhabited by a variety of creatures. Some are friendly companions, while others offer a thrilling mix of fun and fright. Encounters with these creatures infuse scrap gathering with excitement and sometimes a touch of fear.


  • The company headquarters on the Gordion moon is where scrap is sold, quotas are met.
  • Difficulty & Hazard Level: Safe
  • Travel Cost: 0
  • Conditions: No land masses. Continual storms.
  • Fauna: Unknown
  • Population: Unknown


  • Difficulty: Easy (Hazard Level – B)
  • Travel Cost: 0
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~350
  • Conditions: Arid. Thick haze, worsened by industrial artifacts.
  • Fauna: Dominated by a few species.
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Building Structure: Facility


  • Difficulty: Easy (Hazard Level – D)
  • Travel Cost: 0
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~600
  • Conditions: Jagged and weathered terrain.
  • Fauna: Ecosystem supports territorial behaviour.
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Building Structure: Facility


  • Difficulty: Easy (Hazard Level – C)
  • Travel Cost: 0
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~500
  • Conditions: Humid. Rough terrain. Teeming with plant-life.
  • Fauna: A competitive ecosystem supports aggressive lifeforms.
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Building Structure: Facility


  • Difficulty: Medium (Hazard Level – D/B)
  • Travel Cost: 0
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~600
  • Conditions: Expansive. Constant rain.
  • Fauna: Diverse
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Building Structure: Facility


  • Difficulty: Medium (Hazard Level – B)
  • Travel Cost: 0
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~650
  • Conditions: Jagged and weathered terrain.
  • Fauna: A competitive ecosystem supports aggressive lifeforms.
  • Population: Abandoned
  • Building Structure: Facility


  • Difficulty: Hard (Hazard Level – A)
  • Travel Cost: 550
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~1350
  • Conditions: Frozen, rocky. Its planet orbits a white dwarf star.
  • Fauna: Unlikely for complex life to exist.
  • Population: None
  • Building Structure: Mansion


  • Difficulty: Hard (Hazard Level – S)
  • Travel Cost: 600
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~1500
  • Conditions: Frozen, rocky. Its planet orbits a white dwarf star.
  • Fauna: Unlikely for complex life to exist.
  • Population: None
  • Building Structure: Mansion


  • Difficulty: Very Hard (Hazard Level – S+)
  • Travel Cost: 700
  • Avg Scrap Value: ~1700
  • Conditions: Frozen, rocky. This moon was mined for resources. It’s easy to get lost here.
  • Fauna: Dangerous entities have been rumored to take residence in the vast network of tunnels.
  • Population: None
  • Building Structure: Facility
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